Your Strategy. Implemented.

Jens Festervoll and Stein Petter Aannerud

Skarbek Associates

Climate change is one of the greatest existential risks of today, if not the greatest risk. A fact that is recognised, not only by consumers of fossil fuels, but also the companies that extract the fossil fuels from the ground. Amongst the oil and gas giants, Norwegian multi-national, Equinor, has built something of a reputation for a focus on sustainability. Its bold ambition is to increase investment levels towards renewable energy to between 15% and 20% capital expenditure by 2030, compared with around 1% today.

In this episode, we are joined by Stein Petter Aannerud and Jens Festervoll, two protagonists within Equinor who, while fully aligned with the company’s aspiration, felt that realising it would be impossible, without going digital. “Digitalisation enables the company to work differently; think differently; act differently”, says Jens. Join us as we discuss the challenges and opportunities that companies face when looking to embrace digitalisation.